PRINTING! Michael Schäfer: Invasive Links – SEPT 2024
Processing Process
In a world increasingly torn asunder by interminable conflict, there remains an unstable division between those who endure among the frontlines of war and disaster, and those who observe these violent scenes through their digital devices from the comfort of affluent enclaves. As the former find new ways to address, involve, and otherwise engage the latter, conflicts are uploaded, relayed, and brought “back home,” changing the hypermediated dynamics of armed conflict worldwide. Working through the medium of the technical picture, the Berlin-based artist Michael Schäfer interrogates the role of the apparent (digital) bystander through a series of photographic provocations, Invasive Links, which call into question the borders and binaries that work to separate witnesses from participants. Schäfer insists that, as Europeans, we require a renewed moral courage to see what we see—especially when we prefer not to look—if we hope to apprehend some of the troubling lessons from this emergent form of affected spectatorship.
Michael Schäfer: Invasive Links — Processing Process. With texts and photography by Michael Schäfer, essays and excerpts from Kari Anden- Papadopoulos, Fritz Breithaupt, Judith Butler & Jill Staufer, Francesco Casetti, Lilie Chouliaraki, Jens Eder & Charlotte Klonk, Matthew Ford, Marloes Annette Geboers, Winfried Gerling, Susanne Holschbach & Petra Löffler, Sam Gregory, Ingrid Hoelz & Rémi Marie, Andrew Hoskins, Maria Kyriakidou, Marianna Losi, Daisy Schofield, David Levi Strauss, Douglas Yeung, and, Robert Hugo Ziegler, as well as a conversation in two parts between Michael Schäfer and Etienne Turpin. Design by K. Verlag with Wolfgang Hückel & Katharina Tauer.
220 pages
17 x 24 cm
Full color and black/white images
Softcover, thread-sewn, open spine, foil stamping, wrap-around poster jacket
ISBN 978-3-947858-60-6
Forthcoming in September 2024
€ 32,00